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How to support the ongoing work

Although we accept no money or donations (never have) and are completely non-commercial in all that we do, our merely mentioning any non-profit group that does accept charitable donations supposedly constitutes commercial intent on our part (what a bizarre legal twist!). Consequently, we've removed all such links on this site to retain journalistic independence and a purely non-commercial orientation based on this peculiar aspect of internet law.

We cannot even recommend books here, no matter how valuable and even crucial they are, due to this circumstance. This is all the more surprising given how many books we've donated at our own cost to the locales in question where this issue has arisen (about $500 worth). We can give these books away, we just can't tell you what book it was that we gave away (that would reveal, by some bizarre twist of legal theorizing, "commercial intent").



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Why doesn't Shelter Reform accept money?

Shelter Reform will not divert resources away from the many hard-working individuals and groups on the ground in Macon and elsewhere who have been sacrificing for years to give the animals in their areas a better life.